The Hungarian Testing Board (HTB) is organizing its fifth annual international conference in Budapest. HUSTEF provides the opportunity for both international and Hungarian experts from industry as well as with academic background to share ideas, experiences and to give a broad view of the software testing profession.
Our special interest this year is to offer a channel for speakers primarily from central Europe, enabling for our Hungarian software testing community to gain an insight in their best practices and in the leading industry standards. This year the two-day conference will consist of presentations from members of the software testing community, keynotes and workshops from invited speakers, as well as partner’s presentations.
An Ad-Hoc meetup is organized for TODAY at 18:00, based on availabilitu of Keynote speakers of HUSTEF conference. They share different talks then on the conference itself. Come and listen! Register to our meetup today!
TAUHIDA PARVEEN, PHD - Skills that todays testers need to succeed
Robert V. Binder - What is model-based testing and when should you use it?
You can read all the news here.
If you would like to be a partner in organizing the conference,
please read the details here