He holds a degree in information technology and logistics. He has been working at Bosch since 2009, starting as a passive safety product supporter, later as a system test specialist. Currently he is section manager and technical leader of a group responsible for video system test.
When it comes to testing, there are countless presentations and studies to be found on SW and HW tools, methods, processes, technical and technological developments. Yet we are prone to forget that the key to success are the people, the Testers themselves.
It is worth to look into what challenges do testers encounter in the different fields of automotive development. How do the scope of activities and responsibility differ depending on which product they verify and validate? How the perfect candidates can be found for jobs that demand diverse expectations? How can we integrate new employees into our existing group of testers? How to build up their know-how and what goals to determine for them for both short and long term? And, what is even more important, how to ensure they get all the support and motivation to be able to do a diverse, qualitative, continuously improving and innovative work in this field of work - which may seem monotonous for an outsider - in the long run?
The answers to these questions define the future of automotive testing, moreover, will greatly influence the fulfillment of our vision, the accident-free driving.
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