Isabel Evans has more than thirty years of experience in the IT industry, mainly in quality management and testing in the financial, communications, and software sectors. Since the mid-1980s, her quality management work as a practitioner on delivery projects and as a quality manager has focused on encouraging IT teams and customers to work together, delivering results via flexible processes designed and tailored by the teams that use them. Isabel is a popular speaker at software quality conferences worldwide and has been a member of several working groups for industry improvement. Her publications include Achieving Software Quality Through Teamwork and chapters in “Agile Testing: How to Succeed in an eXtreme Testing Environment”; “The Testing Practitioner” and “Foundations of Software Testing”. Isabel is a Chartered IT Professional and a Fellow of the British Computer Society, and Programme Secretary of the BCS SIGiST. Isabel is an independent quality and testing consultant.
Isabel is a popular and well respected international conference speaker, giving keynotes and tutorials in Europe, the USA and Australasia. Conferences include EuroSTAR (including best track speaker, best paper, and keynotes in different years), STARWest (including keynotes and tutorials), STAREast, ExpoQA (best paper), London BCS SIGiST (best presenter award, keynotes and workshops), Berlin Agile Testing Days (keynote and tutorial) and Belgium Testing Days (workshops in 2014 and 2015). Isabel has contributed to standards working parties and retreat groups on software quality and testing. She is a published author, including articles, book reviews, contributions to testing books and author of a book on software quality. Isabel works as a practitioner, consultant and trainer in her specialist areas of software quality management and testing.
As IT practitioners we can find that our messages are not heard or are misinterpreted. Sometimes we do not hear the messages other people need to tell us. Our natural abilities at storytelling and at appreciating the stories others tell us can be crushed under the weight of the ways we are expected to plan, report and communicate about testing and quality. Isabel examines our natural ability to tell stories and our natural delight in narrative, which help us communicate about testing and quality to others in our organisations. We look at why and how we tell stories in a way that is appealing to our audience. That means thinking about the role of oral, written and pictorial representations of testing stories, using the analogies of novels, short stories, picture books, poems and songs. You need a variety of story formats work best for your testing messages and how to adapt your testing stories to your audience. We also examine how we can better listen to other people’s stories about their parts of the project, about quality and about testing, and how we need to adapt our listening style to different storytellers when we are the audience.
Influence diagrams provide a simple-to-create and easy-to-understand approach to addressing the complexities of real-life problems. For instance, as testers we may want to find more bugs, but what is the knock-on effect of this on the developers? Developers now have more defects to debug affecting their capacity to deliver new functionality. Influence diagrams provide a means of understanding and managing the complexities of those key interactions between testers, developers and the business. Over the last few years, Isabel has used influence diagrams as a practical tool to analyse the causes of problems and help identify potential solutions. In this practical workshop, with hands-on activities, Isabel helps you construct and interpret influence diagrams, to illustrate typical problems and solutions in testing projects, and in the interactions between the business, testers and developers. Using just pen and paper (along with plenty of discussion) we analyse example problems and identify potential solutions. Be able to build and understand how to use simple influence diagrams in your day-to-day work. Take-away: example influence diagrams that illustrate a number of different IT delivery and testing situations.
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