Attila Fekete is a Quality Manager at NNG, the world leader in the car navigation industry. He has over 17 years of experience in software engineering. Currently he oversees all kind of process development activities from requirement management, through development, testing, etc… Attila held formerly several senior testing and test management positions at Ericsson.
Though quite a few people misinterpret the statement of Agile Manifesto that promotes responding to change over following a plan, among others careful test planning is an integral and hardly avoidable part of the software testing process. Of course just like other aspects of software engineering it has gone through a major facelift.
Let’s rethink the test planning process and the test plan itself. Let’s consider different platforms to store it, structure it differently, embed data from different sources, turn it to a living document (a place people revisit frequently), and turn it to a communication platform.
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