Hungarian Software Testing Forum5th annual international conference BudapestNovember 18-19, 2015

Gualtiero Bazzana

ISTQB, President

Gualtiero Bazzana photo

Gualtiero Bazzana has been working in the sw quality and testing domains since 25 years.

After a PhD in computer science, he joined a consulting company specialized in Quality consulting where he performed both consulting assignment and research projects, that led to 50+ scientific publications.

In 1995 he set-up his own company, that in 2008 was acquired by Alten Group, an international consulting company.

In 2007 he founded ITA-STQB, a not-for-profit having as mission the certification of professionals in sw engineering practices (testing, requirements engineering, etc.); in this context he started to co-operate with the ISTQB®  - the world-wide leader organization in testing certification, in which he took growing responsibilities.

As of date he is:
President of ISTQB® (
Managing Director for Alten in Italy (, managing over 1.000 engineers.

About the Presentation

ISTQB® - past, present and future

ISTQB® ( is  world-wide leader organization in testing certification, with more than 560.000 exams taken and more than 400.000 certificates issued world-wide.

The presentation will cover the following topic:
ISTQB® in the past: what have been the achievement of ISTQB® and the reasons for its success
ISTQB® in the present: quantitative data about the growth of the testing market world-wide and how ISTQB® plans to continue advancing the sw testing profession, with special focus on “Agile Tester”
ISTQB® in the future: the new product portfolio that ISTQB® is launching to market, with a strengthening of “Core” modules and the definition of new “Specialist” modules, defined in accordance to market needs

All topics will be substantiated by quantitative figures and by the outcomes of surveys that have been recently conducted on testing related matters by ISTQB® as well as by other reputable organizations.

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