Hungarian Software Testing Forum5th annual international conference BudapestNovember 18-19, 2015

István Nagy

evosoft Hungary Ltd., Test architect

István Nagy photo

István Nagy is Test Architect at evosoft Hungary, a company acknowledged for its Quality Culture. How could someone with technical and art studies contribute to this mindset? With the basics of the aesthetics: nice, true and good. This triad addresses the technological and the human aspects (evosoft’s ars poetica). Snow Test is an outcome of this ambition.

About the Presentation

Test for the Future

“Automate as much as possible and gain speed”. Dream? Reality! Until the discovery that delivering a new version of the software takes shorter than upgrading the installed systems in the field. Being confident in the automated tests, in a multi-level Continuous Integration System one starts running every test at each Quality Gate. The next shock comes then: tests impact each other and start failing sporadically. István shares with you the traps and the lessons learned, the need to stop or even step back, simplify until the root causes become visible. And then new gaps become visible...

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