Andrew Pollner
ALP International Corporation (USA)
Andrew Pollner is President & CEO of ALP International Corporation, a leading organization in the area of test process improvement and in the use of test automation tools to bring efficiency and effectiveness to the testing process, since 1993. Mr. Pollner serves on the executive committee of the American Software Testing Qualifications Board (ASTQB) in the US and chairs the Test Automation Engineering working party for the ISTQB worldwide tester certification body.
About the Presentation
Framework Architecture for Test Automation
The presentation will answer many of your questions: What is a Framework? Why build a Framework? What benefit does a Framework provide? How does one maintain a Framework? What does it cost to build a Framework? We will explore different approaches to Framework development, things to watch out for, and ensuring that the approach you take will provide years of productivity. You'll leave with a much better understanding of automated Frameworks and hopefully the confidence to build your own.