Vojtěch Barta


Vojtěch Barta has been in the area of Quality Assurance for 12 years. His motto is “Quality as the satisfaction of all stakeholders” when the whole team needs to be aligned with it. He has worked in several different roles like QA, Tester, Lead of QA department, Business Analyst, Scrum Master, Mentor, Trainer, etc. Vojtěch has a good understanding of and experience with Agile development, mainly with Scrum and Kanban. He is open-minded and always thinks in the context of each particular project applying his experience to achieve the project goals without compromising the quality of the delivery. He worked on multicultural projects, both distributed and collocated. Quality Assurance is far more than only testing. However, testing is an important piece of the puzzle. Vojtěch likes a balance between structured and unstructured testing when effective test automation is the key to success. The main focus has to be on Defect prevention and delivering real value.