Vipin Jain
Metacube Software (IN)
Vipin Jain has got 22 year experience in the IT industry. He has accumulated a deep knowledge in software projects, their methodologies and quality. He has dedicated the last 17 years of his professional career to Software Quality. Currently working with Metacube Software as Head QA and Delivery, he is involved in establishing QCE at his company and is heading the delivery operations.
An avid Speaker and writer, he loves speaking at conferences and delivered many presentations at national and international levels. The conferences include AgileTestingDays Germany, TestingUnited Vienna and Prague, TestingUY Uruguay, Testcon Lithuania, BTC Serbia, TestingCup Poland, QA&Test, Spain, ExpoQA Spain, World Testing Conference in Bangalore and various other national conferences. He has a proven record of implementing and refining test processes for various clients across the globe.