Rob Lambert
I'm on a mission to make Management in the Tech world more interesting, rewarding and fun. It's an uphill struggle.
Management is often considered a dirty word - but the reality is that being a manager is a brilliant job. You get to help other people work with their strengths. You get to build teams that get things done. You get to work on improving the world of work and creating the kind of environment your organisation needs to succeed. You also get to learn a lot about yourself and develop your own character.
That sounds pretty cool.
That's why I founded Cultivated Management, with the goal of helping as many managers as I can find joy and meaning in what they do. If I can help managers achieve their true potential, they will help others achieve their true potential too.
I started my career as a software tester, then an Engineering Manager and then I made the logical move sideways to HR. Throughout this journey I learned a valuable lesson - management make or break a business. They really do.
When I'm not rattling on about management - I write books, help parents remain employable, take photos of cars, explore the English countryside with my family and write TV/Film scripts.
I'm on Twitter at @rob_lambert and you can find out how joyful and rewarding management can be at