
biography | about presentation
Aitor Ruano photo

Aitor Ruano

Applus IDIADA (ES)
Aitor Ruano is a project engineer in the field of Connected and Automated vehicles at Applus+ IDIADA (Spain), with background in Telecommunications Engineering and Machine Learning. His main areas of work are European I+D projects but he is also involved in the development of clients’ needs.

About the Presentation

Developing an Open Source conformance testing environment for ITS communications

With the advent of brand-new communication protocols, it is of high importance to give engineers flexible and reliable tools to check the conformance to these protocols during the development process of new devices.

Connected and Automated vehicles are emergent fields with revolutionary technologies that need to be carefully tested. To solve this gap, Ericsson and IDIADA have joined forces to provide an ITS conformance testing tool that has already been used in several European projects.

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