Indranil Sinha


A loving father of three children, a caring husband, a reasonably obedient son with an attitude to do best at work, this is who Indranil Sinha is. Born and educated in Calcutta, India, Indranil started working at Marginalen in 2011 as an IT assistant. In 2014, he was promoted to a Test Manager position; in 2018 he became a Test Strategist, in 2019, he became a team lead and in 2021, from September he will be heading a brand-new Quality Assurance department at Marginalen.
Presentation: Why Should we take things personally?


In my presentation I will be talking about some of the problems at work process which I took personally and came up with an innovative solution. I will demo how we overcame problems associated with test-automation scenarios which includes e-identification system; how we created a custom made solution for  calculating test-automation coverage and our newly created “Developers Feedback about Testing (DFaT)” index, which demonstrates annual performance index of testers, as seen by developers.