HTB is the exclusive representative of ISTQB (International Software Testing and Qualifications Board) in Hungary. As such HTB is the Hungarian certification body providing the most popular exams in the software quality field, the ISTQB Tester Certification exams, that are accepted as international standards. We are proud to bring each ISTQB examination in reach for the Hungarian testing community.
In addition to the ISTQB examinations, we also became the national exam and competence center for other independent international organizations that are closely related to the testing and achievement of quality for software products. These professional organizations are IREB, for the Requirements Management field, and TMMi for the Test Process Development field.
In addition to arranging exams for professionals and providing internationally recognised standards, in 2011 we created HUSTEF (Hungarian Software Testing Forum). Since then, HUSTEF has become the biggest independent, internationally renowned, conference in the Central European Region for software and product quality matters.
Furthermore, we also have two more independent professional initiatives. One of them is the free Test & Tea group with regular events and now more than 2500 registered members. The other is the recently launched, also free, “REevolution” group Both initiatives regularly organize meetups at various locations throughout the country with renowned presenters.
Our wide-ranging membership includes professionals from the IT industry consultancies, Universities and training centers. Diversity is important for us: we especially support the younger generation and the presence of women in the profession.