About the Presentation
Shape wars – A practical guide to fix your test distribution
Session Speech
The testing pyramid is a long-known approach to assist the development teams in layering their testing activities. But sadly, people are focusing on the shape, not on its message or takeaways to be as efficient as they could be. The industry is evolving, we have more and more UI based applications and yet we struggle to aim for a perfectly shaped pyramid test distribution that is not logical or achievable.
It is time to revise the concept and improve it by jumping to the next level of its adaptation. Take a step forward to achieve a better test coverage and test alignment by implementing the concept of the pyramid without focusing on its shape.
But how to make a move forward and avoid this kind of fail? Let’s check things from a different angle. Let’s abandon the shapes and strictly think about the different test levels around 6 questions using design thinking and a similar approach like risk-based testing.