Anne Kramer


Anne Kramer works for Smartesting, a French tool vendor specializing in Smart AI-Powered Testing Solutions. As Global CSM, she takes care of Smartesting’s German-speaking customers, ensuring they fully leverage the advantages of Visual Test Design with Yest. Being a passionate quality advocate, Anne frequently speaks at conferences and provides professional training. Recently, she began teaching the use of Generative AI in testing.

About the Presentation

From Wonder to Wisdom – The psychology of working with ChatGPT & Co

One thing is certain: ChatGPT will change our work environment. Therefore, we should remember Charles Darwin and adapt. As always, adaptation is difficult. Anne will share her journey starting with inefficient prompting and inadequate expectations towards a meaningful use of ChatGPT. She will analyze the different facets of this experience, some of which are technical, while others are psychological. Last, but not least, we will discuss technical and social risks which we may face in the future.

Improving quality is much more than simply exploring the software, as we testers sometimes do. It is also about having a solid architecture to avoid product risks, rather than merely mitigate them. Are you aware of the impact of architecture?

To show you the impact of architecture, we use an interesting metaphor which is also a toy for (big) children! Design, build, and test a marble track while applying the SCRUM approach. You must plan, talk, cooperate, build, test, and think a few sprints ahead to anticipate future problems or risks. Besides that, you will change roles between sprints to determine if you are more critical as a tester about things you did not build.