Critical thinking skills for testers
Full Day Tutorial
In this tutorial, you will learn critical thinking skills, how to recognise common thinking traps, plus how to avoid such traps. In addition, you learn techniques to help achieve the following:
- Create tests that have a greater chance of detecting a defect
- Create tests that are more diagnostic
- Leverage their own natural reasoning processes
- Avoid thinking in fixed patterns
- Maximise the useful information yielded from a test result
Come to this session and develop your critical thinking skills!
About the Presentation
Rethinking testing and risk within complex systems – the Swiss Cheese Model
Session Speech
In this session, we explore an alternate model for managing the testing and operation of complex systems – the Swiss Cheese Model. We show how we can use this model to change the way we think about complex systems and their primary causes of error. We also show how we can use this alternate model to understand and manage the risks inherent within complex systems.