André Verschelling
Alten (NL)


André Verschelling is a Sr. Test Consultant and Trainer at ALTEN and board member of the BNTQB. He helps clients to setup their test strategies and processes, especially in R&D environments. He also trains and coaches test colleagues to grow their career. As an ALTEN Test Ambassador he propagates the test craftsmanship at both internal and external events.

About the Presentation

Experiences in Risk Management
Session Speech


When was the last time you were really proud of what you achieved in your daily work? Do you still have a twinkle in your eye when you run a test, create a new plan, evaluate the process or complete another task? What happened? In the daily hustle and bustle we have lost the priceless part of our work – the pure joy and engagement. Let us think for a while about why we should all be a little child again.