Sowmya Sridharamurthy
Kiwa (NL)


Sowmya Sridharamurthy is a seasoned product quality leader and International speaker, currently working as Engineering Release Manager- at Kiwa. With 15+ years of experience handling product development from inception to delivery, she has worked on diverse software solutions- ERP, SAAS, Mobile Apps, and Web applications. She has a proven track record of successful implementations of result-driven test processes. Mentors teams in building effective strategies and implementations to achieve ROI through test automation. Being an Accessibility advocate, Sowmya is keen on driving inclusive software development. Sowmya is an active community builder and runs the “APIans” meet-up group from Amsterdam.

About the Presentation

Adapting Test Strategies to Modern Deployment Methods


As organizations strive to keep pace with the demands of rapid release cycles and user expectations, they employ various deployment strategies such as Blue-Green, Canary, Rolling, and Feature Toggles, each with its unique set of challenges and benefits.. The choice of deployment strategy significantly influences how testing is approached. Test strategies adapt and transform to align with the diverse deployment strategies employed by modern software development teams.
As the software landscape evolves, encompassing microservices, serverless architecture, and containerization, this talk will specifically focus on test strategies for
1. Blue Green deployment
2. Canary Deployments
3. Feature Flag deployments
providing deeper insights on how testing methodologies are reshaped to meet the needs of these dynamic environments.

Key takeaways:

1. Overview of modern software deployment strategies
2. Impact of deployment strategy on test and quality strategy
3. Synergy between testing and operations team
4. Adaptive test designs