Natalia Petrovskaia
Quality Consultant


Natalia Petrovskaia is an Engineering Manager with a decade experience in QA and Test Management, specializing in Quality process innovation across industries like Healthcare and Finance. She actively mentors in Women in Tech, speaks at global conferences, and creates courses and workshops on QA strategies and Quality excellence.

About the Presentation

Chaos Survival Guide: Start testing in any conditions

“Chaos Survival Guide: Start Testing in Any Conditions” is a presentation designed for software testers and QA professionals who are the first to undertake QA roles in new projects. This talk, led by Natalia Petrovskaia, an experienced QA and Engineering manager, offers a structured approach to navigate and succeed in these demanding situations.
Starting QA processes from scratch can be overwhelming. In this presentation, we will explore strategies to overcome common challenges faced when no established testing frameworks exist. Attendees will learn to quickly capture essential project details, understand stakeholder expectations, and identify the key deliverables for successful testing outcomes.
The talk will guide participants through the initial steps of organizing a testing strategy that builds confidence and lays a solid foundation for future activities. Additionally, we will introduce the PDCA cycle, a simple yet effective framework that structures and continuously improves the testing process.
Join this session to arm yourself with a toolkit of strategies that will empower you to initiate and enhance testing processes under any conditions. This presentation is suitable for anyone looking to strengthen their testing skills and become a proactive contributor to their project teams.